Hanley Road Retail Architectural Design — CORE10 Architecture

Hanley Road Two-Building, Multi-Tenant Commercial Development Design

Retail on a busy road like Hanley does not have be a sea of cars with no human scale.  Our solution of pulling the building to the street and parking in back not only maximized the rentable area, but also increased visibility for the tenants. Additionally, by re-routing two neighborhood roads, we were also able to create a better buffer between the residents behind and this busy thoroughfare.

A two-building solution creates a useful gap in the street façade.  This gap yields additional end caps for better rentability to benefit the owner, and outdoor seating to benefit pedestrian circulation and a walkable character.  In the end, the retail strip is reinvented with no back side.  It has two beautiful fronts, one to the parking side and one to the street.  The scale of Hanley Road is reduced, pedestrian circulation is enhanced, and commercial visibility is maximized.  Both the developer and the community win.